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Fish Tycoon Forum

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I was wondering if anyone has tried...

I was wondering if anyone has tried the full version on windows vista. I have often stopped the time and gone away for a few days only to come back and find all my pregnent fish have given birth and most have died from no food. all with the time stopped. Other times it will work just fine

There are times too when I cannot update my stats it tells me I am not on line but it will say this even when I am on the internet at the time.

By luke
when stopping time, go back into the game then exit. This seems to help with the game still running in stop mode, although not 100%.
By dusty
Just very recently discovered Fish Tycoon at Reader's Digest Online Games and have been playing the online version for three days now. I have found that even when I click 'PAUSE' before I leave the game (I do have to sleep sometime - lol) it apparently doesn't always stop the game from progressing. On two occasions I returned to the game finding adult fish dead (apparently from starvation) and baby fish (of a type that regularly survive with no mortality) also dead, apparently from starvation. Will try luke's method this next time when I exit the game. Yes, they're just virtual fish, but it still bothers me when they die.
Good gaming to all!
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