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Does anyone know where is the destr...

Does anyone know where is the destroyed outpost and how to build a new outpost?

By lucy
Outposts are always near the road. It looks like a bunch of flattened wood. Take your hero over to it and it will show up as a blue house on your map. Then, click on the outpost and it will let you rebuild it when you have enough materials. Then, you can employ someone there and go on mini-adventures (similar to sandbox mode) that will allow you to import materials that you need more of. I usually import wood because that seems to run out the fastest.
By gerrii
I have had the same problme the outpost platform is not yet showing yet this part of the quest needs completing - where should it be?

By lucy
Again.... Outposts are always near the road. Look for a road that has straight lines on it's edges (as if it could eventually be built into TRAIN tracks... hint, hint) you will come to the ruined outpost. Rebuild it.
By sassy
i have found an outpost but cant rebuild it can anyone tell me how to do it
By gazu
Do you know if you have to have a certain level of experience to build this outpost??/ I have plenty of gold and wood and it won't let me build it.

By lucy
Hmmmm... I'm not sure exactly where you are in the game. What happens when you click on the outpost? You should see an icon in the outpost info that will upgrade/rebuild it. If that outpost upgrade isn't available to you you may not have enough experience to unlock it?

Tell me what you see when you click on the outpost.

By lucy
Taken straight from the help file (This is also available in the guide section here)
"Outpost: Set up an Outpost to import shipments of Food, Wood and Gold from neighboring settlements. Outposts are not available to unlock in the Store and must be built by converting buildings found in your exploration. Rebuild the Outpost to open trade routes and set up resource settlements."

This means that if you click on the ruined outpost platform, you will see an icon that allows you to build the outpost.
LEFT click on the platform.
By gazu
Ok, I have repaired the outpost and have done the lumber. Now I am trying to do the mining and it won't let me build anything. I have gone to the northwest corner and killed the 2 bandits and collected some wood and gold and thats all it will let me do. Is there something I am missing????

By lucy
I haven't done these challenges yet, but I did them in the Sandbox mode. Why don't you try that? The Sandbox mode lets you explore more and figure out strategies... It might help!
Good luck! =)

By txvixen
I did all 3 of the outpost quests without any problems.

Will it let you build a farm or woodshack or anything?

There is gold to be mined all over the map. What I did with the gold one was start out by building a farm and a wood shack and then a gold mine near both of those. I employ 2 people at the farm and 1 at the mine and the woodshack. Then have your hero explore around for more gold piles to mine on. I had better luck with the gold outpost than the lumber or farming one, but I did finally manage to get those done.

Hope this helps!

By lucy
Thanks for sharing! I think what happens after the outpost quests is that you can now import the materials you want to your town. I did do the Lumber quest and now my train brings in +75 wood!
By missumi
how much material does it need to build the outpost. I have bought the upgrade trains track but when I click on the out outpost it doesn't say anything to rebuild or upgrade
By pigsisreal
I am totally unable to build an outpost I have done every thing but everytime I click on the destroyed outpost there is a little box in the corner but that's it please help me!!
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