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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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ok so I figured out how to make my ...

ok so I figured out how to make my villagers learn parenting really fast, have my doctors learn fast.... but how do you make scientists learn faster? it took 2 of my guys like days!!! (5 village years) and i have my game on 2x.... also the farming and the building!!! how do i make my people learn that faster??

ps. doctors learn to heal by making your people sick with the stew (i know... lol but you gotta do what you gotta do....). i make the children and the nursing women sick because they dont do much anyway... keep my able people learning lol omg that sounds so mean!!! lol and the parenting skills i make them learn 2 ways. 1. I make a huge group of story telling by matching an adult with a child many times and you get a huge group telling and listening to stories, sometimes even the nursing women will join, and 2. wait until theyre 50 (so that they wont keep getting pregnant if you want them to work) and join 2 50+ year olds many times in a row... they improve their parenting skills real fast.

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