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How do you get $10,000 quickly?

By unknown_reader
See the answer above and also the one that asks about getting $10,000. The answer will always be the same, unless someone finds a stable fish that can be sold for more than $30 each.

By drevvy
I have bought the game, and I found that a pink fruitfish can sell for about $35. In the game, i made a m breed of it with a greenfin spotanus. I've got about $15,000 from it. HINT just keep one breed thats stable like mine and sells for alot. When you got money, research or buy items. Once you've got enough $, sell all and start exploring the rest of the breeds!
By slickchick74
Hi played this game online then bought it..but my customers wont buy my fish unless i sell them as little as $10, sumtimes ive had to sell them at $5, and im going round in circles as im not making money! any help please?.

By melvin
Orange goldbulbs and silky leaffish both sell for around $35-$40 each the speckled leaffish also will survive at the beginning of the game. I start by buying the heater and airation system. this leaves a small amount of money left to buy medicine with should it be needed.

The next thing I spend money on is researching level 2 environment. this allows more fish to survive in your tanks and the next thing is a second tank.

Tip: Before you research advertizing or purchase ornaments for your tanks, the more fish you have in your sell tank, the more people you can get into your store more people in store=higher fish prices.
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